Photo: John Nicksic. This article first appeared in Dialogue & Discourse on February 6, 2020
By Hank Edson
Ever since George Orwell wrote his dystopian novel, 1984, it’s been common ...
When a group of school kids, not yet of voting age, took the time to make a request of Diane Feinstein that she put her support behind the Green New Deal, here is how a true leader would have ...
Photo by Elaine EliahThis article originally appeared at on January 18, 2019.
By Timohty Wise /
On Dec. 17, the United Nations General Assembly took a quiet but ...
Bernie is the only candidate whose actions demonstrate he has the determination and ability to lead a successful movement to take money out of politics. Those who sided with the establishment ...
By Hank Edson
If you want a historical metaphor,Don’t turn to Chris MatthewsWith his blond slick of hair limpAcross his forehead looking like the FührerProbably wanted to look:Thick set, on TV, ...
Photo: Pxfuel
By Hank Edson
Achieving unity among Democratic Party voters is easy and beating Trump is easier, but both do require being able to accurately identify the source of our current ...
Photo: John Nicksic. This article first appeared in Dialogue & Discourse on February 6, 2020
By Hank Edson
Ever since George Orwell wrote his dystopian novel, 1984, it’s been common ...
When a group of school kids, not yet of voting age, took the time to make a request of Diane Feinstein that she put her support behind the Green New Deal, here is how a true leader would have ...
By Hank Edson
When it comes to reasons why the United States Congress should impeach Donald Trump, I generally stay away from the issue of Trump's alleged collusion with Russia for three ...
This article originally appeared at on February 17, 2019.
By Hank Edson /
Yesterday, in anticipation of Trump’s false declaration of a national emergency, Nancy Pelosi warned ...
Nancy Pelosi warned Trump that if he declares an emergency over his proposed wall, the next Democratic president might declare an emergency over gun violence. This is not the proper ...
Photo by Elaine EliahThis article originally appeared at on January 18, 2019.
By Timohty Wise /
On Dec. 17, the United Nations General Assembly took a quiet but ...
Bernie is the only candidate whose actions demonstrate he has the determination and ability to lead a successful movement to take money out of politics. Those who sided with the establishment ...
By Hank Edson
The Gaia hypothesis posits that our planetary environment, the Earth, functions as a self-regulating whole with a dizzying array of complex systems for maintaining its biological ...
Amazon Watch works to protect the rainforest by advancing the rights of indigenous peoples. Defending indigenous rights and territories is a demonstrably effective solution to the threat of climate ...
This video is about Voter Farmers Market - Ch 1: It's About Culture
To learn more, go to: and Also check out the links ...