When a group of school kids, not yet of voting age, took the time to make a request of Diane Feinstein that she put her support behind the Green New Deal, here is how a true leader would have ...
By Hank Edson
When it comes to reasons why the United States Congress should impeach Donald Trump, I generally stay away from the issue of Trump's alleged collusion with Russia for three ...
Nancy Pelosi warned Trump that if he declares an emergency over his proposed wall, the next Democratic president might declare an emergency over gun violence. This is not the proper ...
There were three big, Big problems with the Democratic Party's utilization of a nomination rigging device in 2016 that we've all heard of: Super Delegates.
The first problem was that the ...
It's a movement into a completely different, but already prepared future. It's not about an election cycle. Those who shame voters on behalf of the Establishmentare vestiges of a ...
A very interesting unfolding going on with respect to the activities of AIPAC as the public catches on and our newly elected crew or uncorrupted progressives begins to call out various dysfunctions ...